I am offering you here for purchase a highly detailed and thoroughly researched US history timeline from prehistory to 2015.

Put together as part of my comprehensive exam preparation during my latest master’s degree in history, it initially focused on US history, with events like the colonization of the Americas, the history of the seaboard colonies, the Revolutionary War and the creation of the US Constitution, westward expansion of the United States, the Mexican-American War, US Civil War, and into the 20th century with WWI and WWII, through Vietnam into the present day.

Along the way you will find other critical dates and events related to US history, dealing with slavery, Native Americans, women’s rights and suffrage, immigrants, labor, civil rights, constitutional amendments, and much more!


Now as part of The German in New Mexico, this timeline will be significantly expanded with dates and events related to German immigration to the United States, to the US West and Southwest, and of course, to New Mexico!


Any important dates and events I encounter in my future research relating to Germans in New Mexico and elsewhere will be added.

The timeline comes with a plethora of links providing more in-depth information on key events, people, places, court cases, etc.


Purchase this timeline once, and you will receive a FREE copy whenever I make updates to it. No monthly subscription, only a one-time purchase price of $4.67.


As soon as I receive your payment, I will send you the timeline in an email within 24 to 48 hours.

Please download your sample today through the link below, read the first page of the timeline, and then come back and purchase the entirety of the timeline, currently running at 35+ pages of US history!

Please let me know through the contact form on my home page if you find anything wrong with the timeline, if you encounter any issues with the purchase of it or the downloadable sample, or if you have any questions or concerns.


Thank you very much for your interest!

Download your free sample here (in English):

Sample Page 1 US History Timeline English Pdf
PDF – 62.3 KB 82 downloads

Click here to purchase the full timeline (in English):

Diese Timeline gibt es auch auf Deutsch zu erwerben!!


Ich habe mir die Mühe gemacht, die komplette Timeline von Englisch auf Deutsch zu übersetzen. Bitte laden Sie sich Ihre Leseprobe durch den unten aufgeführten Link herunter. Lassen Sie es mich durch das Kontaktformular auf meiner Startseite wissen, falls Sie auf irgendwelche Probleme stoßen, sei es mit dem Download der Leseprobe, mit dem Kauf des Zeitstrahls selbst, oder falls Sie irgendwelche Fragen haben.


Es handelt sich hier um einen Einmalkauf, alle weiteren Updates nach Erwerb der Datei werde ich Ihnen kostenlos zukommen lassen. Einmaliger Preis für die Timeline: $4.67 (momentan etwa 4,29 Euro).


Sobald Ihre Zahlung bei mir eingegangen ist, sende ich Ihnen den Zeitstrahl innerhalb von 24 bis 48 Stunden per E-Mail.


Vielen Dank für Ihr Interesse!

Laden Sie sich hier Ihre kostenlose Leseprobe herunter (auf Deutsch):

Leseprobe Zeitstrahl Geschichte Der USA Seite 1 Deutsch Pdf
PDF – 63.1 KB 78 downloads

Klicken Sie hier, um die komplette Timeline zu erwerben (auf Deutsch):